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Hakkı İzmirli Clinic
kol estetiği


Arm lift, or brachyoplasty, is an operation to reshape the arm by removing  the excess skin and fat tissue in the arm. Loose and saggy skin resulting from weight loss or the natural result of or aging, is removed from the elbow to the armpit; Sometimes it can also be combined with liposuction to get the best result.

Who are good candidates?

  • Your weight is normal, but  your arm and armpit are loose and saggy 

  • If you have loose or flaccid skin and fat tissue that looks like bat wings on your arm as a result of losing large amounts of weight

  • If you are willing to agree to have more shaped and tight arms for a scar on the inside of your arm, if you have good general health and you do not have a specific health problem that will increase the surgical risks that may affect your healing and

  • If you do not smoke, you may be a suitable candidate for arm aesthetic surgery.

How long does the surgery take?

Arm aesthetic surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia supported by sedation. It takes 1-2 hours on average. With an incision in the inner arm that extends from the armpit to the elbow, excess skin and adipose tissue is removed in accordance with the previous markings. The skin is sutured to form a new contour of the arm. If necessary, plastic small tubes, called drains, are placed to remove liquids that may accumulate inside. Drains are removed after 1 day. The patient is usually sent home on the same day. A special bandage is used to maintain the shape of the arm. There is no need to remove stitches because hidden stitches are used. There may be mild pain that can be controlled by medication. Swelling and bruising may occur and disappear within 10 - 14 days. The patient can return to work and drive in 1-2 weeks. In the first week, activities that increase blood pressure and cause bleeding are avoided. Exercises that place heavy loads on the arms and force them are avoided for 4 weeks. After 6 weeks, all kinds of activities are free.

Does it leave permanent scars?

Since the scars remain on the inside of the arms, they cannot be seen from the front. In addition, with proper scar caring, these scars will not disturb the patient.

Are the results permanent?

The results last for many years as long as weight fluctuations are avoided. Your body and your skin will continue to age. Naturally, this may cause some relaxation in the future. In order to maintain     long-term results, it is important to make healthy eating and regular exercise a lifestyle.